Joining The D.H. Lawrence Society
About The Membership
The D.H. Lawrence society aims to be as accessible as possible. In this spirit, our monthly bulletins and previous journals are available to all via our website. Our monthly meetings are recorded and freely available via our YouTube and SoundCloud channels. Have a look on our meetings and recordings page to see what a wide range of topics and speakers we have. What is guaranteed is stimulating and lively discussion and debate. We encourage anyone thinking of joining the society to come along to one of our monthly meetings which are held either in Eastwood or online via zoom and see for yourselves.
If you decide to join the society, you will support our work and be part of a friendly, local and world wide community of Lawrencians. Each year as well as our monthly meetings, we have a poetry day and the DH Lawrence Festival which takes place around Lawrence's birthday on the 11th September. Members also receive a printed edition of our annual journal.
The “Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies” is a fully-refereed publication which includes biographical and critical articles on all aspects of Lawrence’s work, as well as book reviews and reports on significant developments in Lawrence scholarship. It also prints newly-discovered letters to and from Lawrence unavailable to the editors of the eight volumes of the Cambridge University Press The Letters of DH Lawrence. The 2020 journal was a bumper edition celebrating the new three volume Cambridge Edition of The Poems. Have a look at the JDHLS archive on our website here.
How To Join
To join, please email johnbamford46@googlemail.comor write to Ms Sheila Bamford, 35 West Avenue, Ripley, Derbyshire, DE5 3JA
Annual Membership Fees
Our annual membership fees are as listed below:
- UK membership: £23
- Concessions: £19
- International membership: £25
You can set up a standing order or pay by bank transfer to:
- Name: The DH Lawrence Society
- Account number: 13083060
- Sort code: 772205
- IBAN: GB42LOYD77220513083060
Or by cheque or postal order addressed to “The DH Lawrence Society”.