You can find an archive of recordings of our monthly meetings, poetry days and festivals, including the 2023 Festival and International Birthday lecture on our Soundcloud page or YouTube channel. 

The D. H. Lawrence Society Programme 2024 - 2025

Our monthly meetings are held online via zoom on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Members will receive the link but everyone is welcome so if you aren't a member, please email Brenda Sumner for more details. 

2024 - 2025

Saturday 14th September 2024 7pm

Andrew Harrison 

Wednesday 9th October 2024 7pm 


“Sardinians’ Looking Glass in Lawrence’s Sea and Sardinia”

Wednesday13th November 2024 7pm 


“Lawrence's Journalistic Writing, 1928-30”

Saturday7th December 2024 6.30pm for 7pm 

Christmas dinner at the Horse and Groom, Moorgreen

Wednesday8th January 2025 7pm 


“'Fight the Good Fight with all thy Might'. D.H. Lawrence as Culture Warrior”

Wednesday12th February 2025 7pm 

 Suzanne McClure 

“DHL and his favoured pairs of antonyms”

Wednesday12th March 2025 7pm 


"Lawrence's Imagist Poetry: Repercussions and Parallels in Other Poets' Verse"

Wednesday9th April 2025 7pm 

 Ron Granofsky

"The Importance of Recognition in D H Lawrence"

Wednesday14th May 2025 7pm 

 Jim Phelps 

"D.H. Lawrence and Shakespeare”

Wednesday11th June 2025 7pm 


“How Women in Love is altered if we consider the (rejected) Prologue as the first chapter of Lawrence's novel”

Previous Meetings 

Recordings can be found on our Soundcloud page and our YouTube channel

2023 - 2024

Wednesday 10th July 2024 7pm


Wednesday 12th June 2024 7pm

Dudley Nichols

'D.H. Lawrence: The War Years : People and Places'

Saturday 1st June 2024 10am - 12 noon - 2pm - 4pm

Please contact Brenda Sumner for more details

Poetry Day

10am 'Being connected' Bob Hayward

11am 'The hot blood's blindfold art", Lawrence's poems of "primal consciousness' Jim Phelps

2pm 'Being reconnected' Bob Hayward

3pm Free discussion of a selection of poetry

Wednesday 8th May 2024 7pm

Paul Poplawski 

'Less is Mawr! Revisiting Lawrence’s St. Mawr (written, 1924).'

Wednesday 11th April 2024 7pm

Michael Bell

'Lawrence and the sense of home'

Wednesday 27th March 2024 7pm

for those who missed this meeting on February 14th

If you require the zoom details please contact

Isobel Dixon

'Homemaking, Home-breaking & Finding Space to Breathe: D.H. Lawrence in Flight & Creative Flux.'

Wednesday 13th March 2024 7pm

Adam Parkes 

'Kindness and Cruelty in Lawrence's Fiction.'

Wednesday 14th February 2024 7pm

Isobel Dixon 

'Homemaking, Home-breaking & Finding Space to Breathe: D.H. Lawrence in Flight & Creative Flux.'

Wednesday 10th January 2024 7pm

Gregory Walker 

''A malicious caricature [...] and a monstrous perversion of facts': D. H. Lawrence and the problem of libel.'

Saturday 9th December 2023 4pm

St Mary's, Church Road, Greasley, Nottingham NG16 2AB

Advent/Christmas Carol service

‘From darkness into Light’

An atmospheric candlelit event in a beautiful Lawrencian Country Church, using a powerful liturgy of symbolism through words, music and painting depicting a challenging journey from despair to hope.

Wednesday 6th December 2023 7pm

Alan Wilson

'Assessing Lawrence’s Heartland: A dynasty revealed, and heritage proclaimed.'

Alan Wilson’s final talk as chair of the DHLS, where he refers to the rich cultural and natural history of the area so beloved by Lawrence, with particular reference to the Barber dynasty. 

Listen to Alan's talk here.

Wednesday 8th November 2023 7pm

Jane Costin

'Zennor in the time of Lawrence'

Wednesday 11th October 2023 7pm

2022 - 2023

12th July 2023 7pm


14th June 2023 7pm

Dudley Nichols

‘Lawrence in Taos : 1922/1990/2022 : What has changed?’

10th May 2023 7pm

David Ellis

‘D.H. Lawrence and Nostalgia’

12th April 2023 7pm

Alan Wilson

'Lincolnshire: Lawrence, Tennyson and my childhood holidays.' Listen again on SoundCloud here

This is a change to the programme - Annie Styles will give her talk next year. 

8th March 2023 7pm

Paul Fillingham and David Amos

‘Landscape Trails of Coal and Rails: A post-industrial digital pilgrimage – Brinsley Headstocks’

8th February 2023 7pm

Jim Phelps

'Re-imagining “The Woman Who Rode Away"’ 

Listen to the audio recording here

11th January 2023 7pm

Laura Ryan

‘[T]his human blight’: Lawrence, Homelessness, and Modernism’ 

Watch on our YouTube channel here 

Saturday 10th December 2022

Christmas concert at Greasley Church followed by dinner at the Horse and Groom

9th November 2022 7pm

Kathleen Vella

‘D. H. Lawrence, Casa Cuseni, Taormina and New Shapes of Consciousness’ 

Watch on our YouTube channel here 

12th October 2022 7pm

John Worthen 

"Life with Lawrence"

Watch on our YouTube channel here

Saturday 10 September 2022 on zoom

Leavis - Lawrence Day

Click here to listen to the recording

The day will deal with Leavis's critical appreciation of four Lawrence novellas, THE DAUGHTERS OF THE VICAR, THE CAPTAIN'S DOLL, ST MAWR, and THE VIRGIN AND THE GYPSY, each one during an hour's session which will include an account of Leavis's perspective on the work, the speaker's critical input, and then discussion open to all. 

Saturday 10 September 2022 7pm on zoom

The D.H. Lawrence Memorial Birthday Lecture

Click here to watch on our YouTube channel

Dr Annalise Grice

"Lawrence's 1922: on the centenary of the publication of Aaron's Rod."

13th July 2022 7pm


Wednesday 8th June 2022 7pm 

Richard Keeble

"What Fun! D. H. Lawrence as Popular Newspaper Journalist" 

Listen to the audio recording here

D.H. Lawrence Poetry Day Saturday 14th May 

10 - 4

Via Zoom

Listen to the audio recording here

The Lawrence Poetry Day is devoted to PANSIES for what might seem like our most ambitious undertaking so far. The intention is to try to make us more knowledgeable about PANSIES and about Lawrence's aim through some 260 pages of their thought-provoking content. In the first hour, Malcolm Gray will 'set the scene' that led to the writing of PANSIES. The second session will be divided, John Worthen giving readings of some pansies with brief comments, to be followed by David Amos with a further selection. After lunch, Bob Hayward will offer a critical survey and appreciation of PANSIES and the final session will be for general discussion of a few more specimen pansies and an 'impressionistic' assessment of how well or ill Lawrence has done in his (far-ranging) efforts to 'address our wounds'. Members will no doubt bring their own knowledge and views to this discussion. 

Wednesday 11th May 2022 7pm 

Jonathan Long

“D. H. Lawrence and the Seltzers” 

Listen to the audio recording here 

Celebrating Eastwood Saturday 7th May 3 pm

Eastwood Baptist Church, Percy Street, Eastwood. NG16 3EP

Or online through the DHLS YouTube channel at the time of the event.

A recording is available on the YouTube channel here.

Join us for our very first hybrid lifestream broadcast, linking our face to face local community with the global family with whom we have enjoyed cordial virtual zoomed contact during the last two years. It is being held in the very friendly Eastwood Baptist Church, one of the original chapels and only surviving ecclesiastical non conformist building from Lawrence’s time. It will take the form of a ‘chat show’, hosted by our own chairman Alan Wilson, interviewing a wide range of local people who have championed Eastwood with its rich history as well as spreading the legacy of the writing and witness of DH Lawrence. You are warmly invited to attend either in person or digitally, promising to be a very entertaining gathering.

Wednesday 13th April 2022 7pm 

Sue Reid

“'All that could be desired of a poetess': Lawrence and Rachel Annand Taylor.” 

Listen to the audio recording here.

Wednesday 9th March 2022 7pm 

Andrew Cooper and Kate Foster

“'It really was a new life began in me there.’ The vital significance of Haggs Farm and Jessie Chambers to DH Lawrence.” 

Listen to the audio recording here

Wednesday 9th February 2022 7pm 

Sean Matthews

“Contemporary Fiction after Lawrence: Rachel Cusk, Alison MacLeod and the Lawrentian Imperative.” 

Watch the talk on our YouTube channel here. Or visit our soundcloud page for an audiorecording.

Wednesday 12th January 2022 7pm 

David Amos

“Coal in the Blood: An East Midlands Coal Mining Anthology”. 

Watch the talk on our YouTube channel here.

2021 - 2022

Wednesday 8th December 2021 6.30pm

Christmas Celebrations to be held in the lounge at St. Mary's Church, Church Street, Eastwood, NG16 3BS (our usual meeting venue).There will be Christmas themed readings and refreshments during the evening. Please let us know whether you can join us.

Wednesday 10th November 2021 7pm 

Kathleen Vella

"Sardinia and Malta, Suspended out of Time. A Lawrencian Vision"

Sunday 24th October 2021 7pm

DH Lawrence Society and Orwell Society joint event

Brenda Sumner 'DH Lawrence and Censorship'

Richard Lance Keeble 'The Extraordinary Power of Imagination: Orwell's Passion for Lawrence' 

Watch the talks here 

Wednesday 13th October 2021 7pm 

Bob Hayward 

“Original Sin and D. H. Lawrence” 

Saturday September 11 2021 

Leavis - Lawrence Day 10 - 4pm

DH Lawrence Memorial Birthday Lecture 7pm

Visit our sound cloud page to listen to all of the recordings

10 - 12pm Paul Filmer on Lydia Lawrence, Malcolm Gray on Arthur Lawrence

12 - 2pm break for lunch

2 - 4pm Kate Foster on Jessie Chambers, John Worthen on Frieda Lawrence

7pm 'Affirmation and Anxiety in Lady Chatterley's Lover' by Keith Cushman

Wednesday September 8 2021 1 30 pm

DH Lawrence Festival Walk around Lawrence’s beautiful countryside, ending at Greasley Church, where the church will be open for us to visit, followed by a cream tea at the Greasley Church coffee shop.

Meet in the Greasley Church car park at 1.30 p.m. The walk will be approximately three miles and last about one and a half hours. There is plenty of parking in the church lay by. 

Saturday 10th - Wednesday 14th July 2021


View the Symposium map created by Buxi Duan

Watch the three minute thesis presentations

Read the abstracts and bios

Closing readings: ‘In his own words: distance and proximity in Lawrence’s works’ 

Click here for the list of readings. 

Click here to listen to the readings.

Wednesday 14th July 2021 7pm

AGM followed by a short presentation by David Amos, entitled, ‘Mine-Craft the Prequel: The Photographic Story of East Midlands Coal – The Rev FW Cobb collection of photographs around Eastwood c 1907 – 1917’

Wednesday 9th June 2021 7pm

 Professor Keith Alldritt FLSL

‘Lawrence in Mecklenburgh Square’

Wednesday 12th May 2021 7pm

This talk was not recorded 

Dudley Nichols

'The Burrows Family’

Dudley Nichols, a nephew of Louie Burrows, looks at the relationship between Lawrence and her family and his depiction of them in The Rainbow. In preparation for this illustrated talk Dudley has examined some of Louie’s recollections from the period 1905 to 1912 as well as drawing on evidence from Lawrence’s published letters to Louie.

Saturday 8th May 2021

Poetry Day

Visit our Soundcloud page to listen to all of these talks

Malcolm Gray: 'Love and Loss in 'Look! We Have Come Through!''

Isobel Dixon: 'Love and fear in: 'Birds, Beasts and Flowers''

Malcolm Pittock: 'Wild Common, Virgin Youth, Piano'

Bob Hayward: 'Living with his Love of Nature to the end'

Wednesday 14th April 2021 7pm 

Malcolm Gray

‘Education, Education, Education:  Lawrence and how we learn’

Click here to read Malcolm Gray's paper 

Wednesday 10th March 2021 7pm

Carolyn Melbourne- Museum and Collections Officer 

‘The Magic of Objects; behind the scenes of the D.H.Lawrence Birthplace Museum’

Wednesday 10th February 2021 7pm

Alan Wilson

‘Linwood and Newton - two unsung local musical heroes’

Click here for the tracklist

Wednesday 13th January 2021 7pm

 Dr Fiona Fleming

‘D. H. Lawrence and Hardy’

Following her introduction last June on the early lives and careers of DH Lawrence and Thomas Hardy, Fiona Fleming will be talking about how the rural environment they grew up in inspired their stories and moulded their ideas. For those of you wanting to do some prep reading, here are a few suggestions of texts Fiona will be referring to in her talk:  Lawrence's "Love Among the Haystacks" to be compared with Hardy's chapters "The Hollow amid the Ferns" and "The Storm – The Two Together" in Far From the Madding Crowd.

2020 - 2021

11th - 13th December 2020

Christmas Celebrations with the Haggs Farm Preservation Society

Our podcast of readings and music is available until February 2nd 2021. 

Wednesday 9th December 2020 7pm

Holly Laird

JDHLS 2020 Preview - a special number on DH Lawrence's poetry introduced by the guest editor, Holly Laird

Wednesday 11th November 2020 7pm

Postponed  AGM  followed by poetry discussion

Wednesday 14th October 2020 7pm

 Dr Catherine Brown

 'D. H. Lawrence and the sense of scale'

Saturday 12th September 2020

The DH Lawrence Festival

Visit our Soundcloud page to listen to all of these talks

David Game: 'DH Lawrence and Australia'

Paul Eggert: ‘Birds, beasts and flowers’

Malcolm Pittock: 'Lawrence's Jessie poems' 

Interview with Clive Leivers, president of the Haggs Farm Preservation Society who talks about his own life and a forthcoming publication of his new book, a collection of Jessie Chambers' writing

Judith Ruderman The Lawrence Birthday Lecture ‘A life of illness and resilience: Reflections on Lawrence’s letters in a time of pandemic’

Wednesday 8th July 2020 

  • 'The Country of My Heart' podcast by Alan Wilson 
  • Read more
  • Coffee and chat via zoom at 8 pm

June 2020

Fiona Fleming 'D.H. Lawrence and Thomas Hardy' 

Visit our YouTube page to watch Fiona's talk

Wednesday 10th June 2020 7.15pm 

  • A reading of DH Lawrence's poem, Piano followed by discussion
  • Bring one of your favourite Lawrence poems in case we have time for additional discussion

Wednesday 11th March 2020 7pm

Dr. Hilary Hillier

'Lawrence’s use of dialect: a few readings and reflections'
Read more

Wednesday 12th February 2020 7pm

Tony Rice

'Aaron Sisson's Longest Journey'

Wednesday 8th January 2020

Prof. Terry Gifford

'Trees and Gardens in Aaron's Rod'


Saturday 7th December

Advent and Christmas with D. H. Lawrence

  • A Concert of readings, poems and music connected with Lawrence. To be held in St Mary’s Church, Eastwood at 3pm, followed by a reception in the Church Lounge.

Wednesday 13th November

Paul Filmer

  • “Lawrence and Realism: Recollections of Maurice Magnus and Representations of Mr May”

Wednesday 9th October

Adam Lang

  • ‘“Back to Sardinia”

Saturday 7th September

The D. H. Lawrence Birthday Lecture

Annabel Abbs

  • “Frieda Lawrence: The Real Lady Chatterley”, interview by Annalise Grice
  • (To be held at Eastwood Hall Conference Centre, Mansfield Road, Eastwood, NG16 3SS at 7pm)

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