DH Lawrence artist
Our fourth item from the Lawrence collection at The Manuscripts and Special Collections Department, Nottingham University is a little seen drawing by Lawrence ‘Child with an apple’ which is a copy of a painting by Jean-Baptiste Greuze. Listed in the catalogue as: La Ch 2 Sketch in pencil entitled ‘Child…
Frances Wilson The Burning Man
Click here to read Stephen Alexander’s review of this latest biography of DHL. Click here to listen to Frances Wilson talking about her book on Start the Week with Andrew Marr.
Lawrence’s Nottingham High School Prizes
Here we have two books given to Lawrence as prizes while he was at Nottingham High School. The first is in The Manuscripts and Special Collections Department, Nottingham University: La X 13: W. J. Gordon, Our Country’s Flowers and How to Know Them (London: Day & Son, 1900), presented as…
Illustrating Lady Chatterley
Our second items from the Lawrence collection at The Manuscripts and Special Collections Department, Nottingham University are two illustrations by the artist Eric Gill, which were intended to illustrate Lady Chatterley’s Lover, but were never used. Listed in the catalogue as: La Z 8/2/2/1: Drawing by Eric Gill for a…
Whats Gray’ner than Gray’n? – Moorgray’n: Moorgreen Colliery closure 35 years on.
“What’s Grayn’ er than Grayn – Moorgray’n!” was the local dialect saying which translated means “What’s Greener than Green – Moorgreen!” Thirty-five years ago, on 19th July 1985, Moorgreen Colliery, the last Eastwood pit, closed after one-hundred and twenty years. Along with the nearby Pye Hill Complex which was to…